For years Latinos have been faithful fans of America’s Democrat party. It’s why so many of that party’s agenda points support lax deportation laws and encourage migration even if it’s illegal.
Those immigrants quickly turn into Democrat voters, their policies plan.
But that is changing, possibly ending entirely, warns Gloria Romero, a onetime Democrat leader in the longtime Democrat-majority California Senate.
She has written a column at Daily Mail that Latinos even have their own “spicy” version of “Let’s Go Brandon,” which is “Que @#$%&! es eso?”
Polling by Quinnipiac, in fact, shows only 26% of Latinos approve of the way Joe Biden has handling the presidency, she said.
“That’s a nearly 10-point drop of Biden’s approval rating among Latinos from April 6th when he garnered a paltry 34%,” she wrote. Even in the Democrat “stronghold” of California, Biden’s support among Latinos has plunged recently from 69% to 51%.
I want the t-shirt! And the bumper sticker!
“WTF is that?” covers it nicely.
Make Trump flags and get Rich !!!