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Muslim congresswoman gets asked: ‘Why do you hate Christians?’

Omar facing backlash after blasting passengers singing on airplane

U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., a Muslim who has been open about her disgust for non-Muslims on multiple occasions, now is facing a backlash after she complained about a small group on video singing a worship chorus on an airliner.

“Why do you hate Christians, Ilhan?” asked Vernon Jones, a Democrat-turned-Republican politician.

And Cicely Davis, a GOP candidate in Minnesota, pointed out that Islamic prayers are “no problem” on a foreign airline, and suggested Omar’s problem was “you hate Christians & Jews & lots of Muslims.”

Royce White, another candidate in Minnesota, told Omar not to “disrespect Christianity” and said “the Democrats you serve don’t believe in God.”

Omar’s blast at others’ faith came just as Christians worldwide celebrated their holiest of events all year, the Resurrection of Jesus.

5 thoughts on “Muslim congresswoman gets asked: ‘Why do you hate Christians?’”

  1. Why don’t we send her muslim ass to Iran or one of those nice countries since she hates it so much here. We would love to see her go!

  2. Democrats are all about gaining more and more of Satans minions, they know the end times are nearing and they need more Satanists to support him. Hence the elementary school in PA trying to create a Satanic club for kids. Start early just like gender bs to pull more into the fold.

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