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Stacey Abrams Increased Her Net Worth 3,000% in Less than 4 Years – What Is the Real Source of Her Income?

Stacey Abrams has increased her net worth by 3,000% in a couple of years.  How did this happen?

In the age of corruption and stolen elections, Stacey Abrams may have eaten the cake.

The Daily Caller reports that Abrams increased her net worth by millions in the past few years.

Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has become a millionaire.

Abrams is worth $3.17 million, according to the state disclosures she filed in March, The Associated Press reported Tuesday. When she first ran for the Georgia governorship in 2018, Abrams was dealing with a “hefty bill from the IRS” and was worth only $109,000, the outlet noted.

The “hefty” tax bill from the IRS was $54,000, with a further $410,000 in liabilities, according to Fox News. She owed $96,000 in student loan debt and $83,000 in credit card debt, AP reported.


9 thoughts on “Stacey Abrams Increased Her Net Worth 3,000% in Less than 4 Years – What Is the Real Source of Her Income?”

  1. Thats such an easy question – she is a DEMONCRAP – They are ALL crooked and steal, cheat, lie. She made the comment she had a million votes ready to go last election to steal it… Did ANYONE do ANYTHING about it… NO why because she is a DEMONCRAP.

    Wake up America

  2. An ugly, fat walrus of a human. And stupid, too. Someone, please, push her back into the ocean.
    What did she get with all that student loan money??

    Does she have a degree??

    Why does she have such huge IRS liabilities?

    Tried cheating on her taxes and got caught?
    THAT is your hero??!

    Sucked student loans like a baby at mommie’s breast, tried to scam the IRS, and seemingly got rich with no
    real source of that kind of income.
    And, DEMOCRATS hold her up as a role model? A future presidential candidate??

    Of course they do.

    They are DEMOCRATS.
    THE dumbest, greediest, selfish group of people on the planet.
    Now, DEMOCRATS are starting to tell us that all the problems we face are not biden’s fault and there is nothing any DEMOCRAT can do to fix them. I was wondering how long it was going to take for them to start saying THAT.
    I’ll bet Trump could fix them and fix them fast.
    Remember all the things he accomplished in four years, despite 24-7 lies, innuendo, and fabrications (don’t forget impeachment, TWICE, for BS reasons). And he STILL nailed it.
    Highest employment rate for blacks and women in history.
    NO WARS.
    Inflation under control.
    No missile launches over Japan by North Korea.
    Lowest unemployment rate in decades.
    Stock market kicking ace.
    Thats what we get when REPUBLICANS run this country and especially a Republican who loves the USA and has no motive other than moving this nation to ever greater heights.
    When is the last time you saw a DEMOCRAT hug the American flag???
    biden is a joke. Unable to even manage a Kool-Aid stand. A career (!!) politician. A DEMOCRAT. A grown man who can’t keep his hands off little girls. A serial liar (Penn state professor and a big rig truck driver) protected by the press. Oh yeah. Don’t forget the “I never knew anything about my son’s business dealings and never asked.” Your son is rich and you NEVER asked how he got that money?? So stupid and senile, he doesn’t go ANYWHERE without a small army of people who’s job it is is to keep him away from reporters, questions, and any impromptu speaking. The leader of the free world??

    Today, I saw in the news, a democrat strategist saying that they don’t have a single candidate who can beat Trump.
    They NEVER did, but that never stopped DEMOCRATS from lying, cheating, and stealing their way to “victory”.
    81 million votes.
    My ass.

  3. I’m still trying to figure out which came first her or the tank? why would her parents name her after a tank?
    maybe now she can afford to pay back every nickel she stole from the taxpayers who funded her welfare queen lifestyle!

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