In 1942, midway through World War II, Winston Churchill led a private UK ministerial cabinet debate on what they might do if they captured Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
“If Hitler falls into our hands,” the great man declared, “we shall certainly put him to death.”
He meant it.
In fact, according to archived notes of the meeting, he even knew exactly how he wanted to do it — frying Hitler like a common gangster in a US-supplied electric chair.
“This man is the mainspring of evil,” Churchill snarled. “Execute the principal criminals as common outlaws.”
I’m sure most of us feel the same way about Russia’s barbaric dictator Vladimir Putin, the modern-day Hitler, given his despicable, murderous rampage through Ukraine.
The world would certainly be a better, safer place without him.
But the official US position is not that.
Specifically, America is not seeking Putin’s death or a change in regime.
We know this because White House press secretary Jen Psaki said so in response to Sen. Lindsey Graham’s call for him to be assassinated.
“We are not advocating for killing the leader of a foreign country or regime change,” she told reporters on March 4. “That is not the policy of the United States.”
There is a very good reason for this.
Biden Puppet ONLY reads his orders on his Prompter & Cheat Sheets !!! Numbskull can’t speak on his own !!!
How should he know?? He doesn’t know what he said! Let’s go Brandon!!!!!