What a disaster this past week has been for the Biden Administration. Biden’s trip to Europe turned out as expected to those of us who have watched him since taking over the White House. Now the world knows Biden’s out to lunch.
What could go wrong when the leader of the free world is senile and his Secretary of State has family ties to George Soros? Well, we saw what could go wrong last week. Everything.
The Biden gang is now spending all its time cleaning up for the many blunders Joe Biden made on his trip to Europe. Although the Mainstream Media won’t report it, Biden made numerous blunders on this trip. He said that “sanctions never deter” but this was in total contrast to what he has said before.
Biden told Europe that sanctions “never deter” but this is not what his administration has said in the past.
Fake President Fake Administration Fake News !!!! 2020 COUP !!!
First COUP in American History & the WORSE & Fake Administration EVER in History !!!! FACT
Those words don’t begin to describe that senile old POS.