An urgent concern for the country is the continuing threat to our national security posed by a compromised President Biden.
On Friday, The Daily Mail reported that emails recovered from Hunter Biden’s laptop show he helped an infectious disease research company pursue projects in Ukraine. Those emails confirm portions of charges Russia made the previous day that an investment group run by the now-president’s son had funded a company conducting research at biological laboratories in Ukraine.
While these developments add another scandal to the long list of Biden family dirty laundry, the more urgent concern for the country should be the continuing threat to our national security posed by a compromised President Biden and the possibility that Russia has access to the catalog of compromising material contained on Hunter’s laptop.
Mere weeks before then-President Donald Trump and Joe Biden faced off in the November 2020 presidential election, The New York Post published emails obtained from a laptop Hunter Biden had abandoned at a repair shop in Delaware. Those emails revealed that during the elder Biden’s time as Barack Obama’s vice president, Hunter engaged in a pay-to-play scandal, trading off his father’s position to strike deals with players in Ukraine and China. The venture was a family one, with Joe “the Big Guy” Biden listed in one email as set to receive a 10 percent cut of one pending deal and Hunter telling his daughter in another message that “pop” took half of his earnings.
Even after a former business partner of Hunter Biden’s confirmed the authenticity of the emails, the supposed standard-bearers of journalism buried the scandal and social media outlets censored both the story and The New York Post. Worse still, “more than 50 former senior intelligence officials” signed a letter framing the Hunter Biden emails as Russian disinformation.
Among others, former CIA directors or acting directors John Brennan, Leon Panetta, Gen. Michael Hayden, John McLaughlin, and Michael Morell signed the letter. In doing so they gave then-candidate Joe Biden cover to lie to the American public, which he did when Trump confronted him about the scandal during a presidential debate.
Are you saying the “laptop is now another Russia, Russia, Russia hoax?” Trump asked Biden.
CNN finally jumped on it this morning. Now will ABC, NBC, CBS, PMSNBC follow suit?
ALL those Dirty Democrat Secrets they are Worried About on the Laptops !!!!! Expose all of it !!!!
Bidens should have took tips from Hillary & used a PRIVATE server like she did !!!!!! LOL LOL
They will come up missing if not already !!!! Democrat Cover-Up !!!
Nuke codes stored on them & Hillary’s phone !!!!!! Wooooooo
They impeached a president with no proof so when are they going to impeach Bye Done and arrest Hunter Biden? My guess is never if they were Republicans they were hammered and put out of office over a rigged election and ballots were tossed in the next election it will be again rigged this time by the influx of immigrants allowed in and not citizens but they will have ballots. And we have a president with a zero IQ that still sits in office and should be behind bars with his son and brother.
If he was stupid enough to take a laptop to an independent repairman in a yokel strip mall do you really think he’s smart enough to have anything of importance on it in the first place besides run-of-the-mill porno? This obsession with Hunter is ridiculous. He’s no mover or shaker. I’d be curious to see what Trump’s kids have on their laptops. They are smart like the old man they just Tweet bites and have no record of anything and chew up their paper briefs and spit them down their Guilded Toilets. Trump’s Presidential Library will be as tacky empty and vapid as his bankrupted Taj Mahal. Which is now a Hard Rock Cafe. I can’t believe people fall for all this nonsense. The VOTE really doesn’t matter at the Poles when people are so DUPED by sound bites and fake news and butt-hurt drama.
U a Dem liar/moron/ostrich.
From the lies and/or stupidity of your reply, it is obvious why you are Anonymous.