Agents had been ignoring ‘No Trespassing’ signs to post spy cameras
A court has ruled that a state practice giving authorities the ability to conduct warrantless trespassing and surveillance on private land is unconstitutional.
Officials with the Institute for Justice described it as a victory.
“The ruling is not just a victory for Benton County (Tennessee) landowners Terry Rainwaters and Hunter Hollingsworth,” who sued after the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency ignored their “No Trespassing” signs and conducted operations on their private land, the IJ explained.
“The victory also applies broadly to private land across Tennessee.”
“For too long, TWRA officers have treated private land like public property—entering without permission, spying on people without a warrant, and doing it all with no meaningful oversight,” explained IJ Attorney Joshua Windham. “Thanks to the court’s ruling, Tennesseans can now rest easy knowing that they’re secure from these sorts of intrusions on their land.”
Hollingsworth, in a statement released through his lawyers, said, “The court’s decision to declare TWRA’s constant overreach and abuse of authority unconstitutional is restoring my faith in the justice system.”
Thank goodness we still have some constitutionalist judges!
Encouraging, but it will be appealed time and again until some woke judge reverses it…
Police are “conducting operations” on land PRIVATELY OWNED with signs that say, “No Trespassing”.
Are they above the laws that are so strictly enforced against “We, the people”? Have you ever been sitting in a boat with your kids, fishing and enjoying OUR RIVERS, (NOT theirs…..) and two ARMED men interrupt you (and scare the fish away , too…) to demand to see “your papers” and CHECK to see IF you are violating any laws.
IF a citizen MIGHT be, POSSIBLY in SOME way, be committing a crime. WHEN did Americans start thinking THAT was okay??
Now, apparently, the police believe that YOUR land is really THEIR land. They don’t need to obey any stupid laws that were meant for the serfs and not the master.
Walking around in camo gear on private property and carrying a weapon? That’s how you get shot. Oh. “We, the People” are supposed to walk up to this armed man and ask his intentions? To see IF (there goes that “if” deal again) he is a cop? And IF he is not? That’s how you get shot, too.
The police are not Navy Seals “conducting operations” against citizens.
The solution? Stay off of private property like ALL citizens have to do. Unless you are holding a warrant in your hand, and I think any judge who issues a warrant to see IF a citizen MIGHT be a criminal should be hung in front of the courthouse.
With a copy of the Constitution stapled to his chest.
And a swastika drawn on his forehead in red magic marker.
Of course, that’s just how I think. I believe in ONE SET of laws for EVERYONE — rich, poor, politically connected, or wearing a badge — and the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and freedom from an overreaching and power crazy government.
We are not slaves, serfs, or peasants. THEY are NOT masters of ANYTHING. Or anyone.
Keep cheering, you goofs.