I’m talking about the mainstream media, of course. Why should these people continue to be powerful and paid attention to?
Wouldn’t enemies of the people be appropriate?
The media has gone from informing the public to intentionally misinforming the public.
The social media oligopolists are especially dangerous as they continually suppress anyone whom they disagree with. It has nothing to do with facts or hate. They are the haters. They hate anyone who dares disagree with them.
They peddled the Russian collusion story for years. Not once did they silence the liars.
They don’t even want leftist judges to be asked any questions because they never ask questions.
Because they are Democrats of course !!!!!
Answer: People Who Endlessly Lie Get Power
Question: Who are politicians?
That is WHY America will go down someday > Crooked Politicians !!!! Just like WW2
Because there are enough gullible people, mostly democrats, who listen to CNN, MSNBC, CBS. ABC & NBC, etc. and actually believe the lies they spread. I don’t understand why those are allowed to spread such filthy lies .. There are just too many people who take them at their word and believe it to be true because it was on the “news”.