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Black, Female Maryland Guardsmen Dismissed from Officer Training at Higher Rates

Black people and women were more likely to be dismissed from the Maryland Army National Guard Officer Candidate School than their white and male counterparts over the last five years, according to data provided to Congress and obtained by

The data has prompted seven Democratic members of Maryland’s congressional delegation to ask the National Guard’s inspector general to investigate bias within the Maryland National Guard.

“We are concerned that there may be a systemic issue within the MDNG OCS [Maryland National Guard Officer Candidate School] and that a thorough, independent examination is necessary to identify any root causes of inconsistencies in their implementation of United States Army and National Guard policies and regulations,” Reps. Anthony Brown, Steny Hoyer, Dutch Ruppersberger, John Sarbanes, Kweisi Mfume, Jamie Raskin and David Trone wrote Friday to National Guard Bureau Inspector General retired Maj. Gen. Laurie Hummel.

From 2017 to 2021, 34 out of 85 Black candidates, or about 40%, were dismissed from the Maryland Army National Guard’s Officer Candidate School, which provides training to become a commissioned officer, according to a letter the Maryland National Guard sent to lawmakers in December.


11 thoughts on “Black, Female Maryland Guardsmen Dismissed from Officer Training at Higher Rates”

  1. Very possible, if you do not uphold the standard then you do not become an officer. I couldn’t care less if your skin is purple. You pass the requirements or you don’t. Pretty cut and dry, I’m beyond over this race bullshit…

  2. Maybe they weren’t qualified , maybe they lied , maybe just maybe they didn’t know shit from apple butter.

  3. Perhaps if many of them had studied harder and paid attention in school, instead of playing the thug role to impress their friends they would be better suited to succeed. Just because they are allowed a free pass in the failed US school system doesn’t automatically guarantee a successful career.

  4. Maybe if they had a little respect for authority they would have made out better as opposed to having a chip on their shoulder with a “he ain’t gonna tell me what to do” attitude.

  5. This is coming from a veteran (me) —

    To become a leader of men, an officer in the military, you go through HELL. Physically and mentally.
    The standards don’t change (well, lately they have, unfortunately) because you are weak-minded or stupid, or out of shape, or unable to follow directions or cope with tremendous stress.
    The military doesn’t want officers who will cry or break down under battlefield conditions or be unable to perform under the most stressful of environments.
    AND, by the way, the military is THE most colorblind of all organizations. It is MERIT based all the way.
    If you are dismissed from officer training, it’s because YOU WEREN’T officer material.
    It is NOT because you were black or Indian, or female, or gay.
    Find another dream, like, maybe, a 5 foot tall female firefighter or a cop, who still gets a job although she couldn’t do ANY of the tasks the other firefighters had to do or any of the tasks a cop has to do, because some sissy civilian though “diversity” trumps skill. You better pray that these “diversity” winners never have to carry you out of a burning house or save you from getting killed in a chaotic bar fight.
    Ever wonder why women aren’t in the Seals?? Of course not. Your brain would explode.
    Hint: those people (Seals) actually have to fight and kill bad guys and do extraordinary physical and mental tasks where lives are won and lost.
    They have NO TOLERANCE for “diversity and inclusion” and notice — no one says a word to them about it.
    Quit whing that you were dismissed because you couldn’t carry a 80 pound pack for 20 miles (with no break or “rest period”, then swim a river, and then set up a fire position.
    You were dismissed because of your skin color or gender.

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