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Free Speech Versus Workplace Censorship

It was unimaginable just five years ago that the left could conscript the American workplace to advance its political agenda.  For years, campuses have been the center of intense left-wing activism that often threatened free speech of dissenters, but certainly, private businesses had no reason to surrender to the demands of a minority of outspoken political activists. But over the last five years, left-wing censorship has grown from a fringe campus phenomenon to a dominating force in American life.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion offices — the professional counterpart of critical race theory — have become a staple of American companies. Human resources departments are staffed with woke ideologues who inject hard-left identity politics into routine employment decisions.  Social media mobs are ready to pounce at the first sign that a company is not sufficiently on board with the latest progressive crusade. As a result, Americans are afraid to speak about important issues of the day — at work or off-duty — because if the wrong person hears their opinion, they could lose their job.

CIR Fights for Free Speech in the Workplace

CIR believes that employers and employees have the right to freely negotiate the terms of their working relationships. But now, that right is under threat from left-wing activists who intimidate employers into reneging on their employment agreements. We are bringing on more litigators, waging a bold public campaign, and filing more cases to advance an agenda of individual rights on behalf of courageous clients who are willing to fight to defend free speech against the left’s take-over of the workplace — clients like Greg Krehbiel.

Greg Krehbiel began working at BrightKey, Inc. at the end of 2019.  Before starting, he got BrightKey’s OK to produce a podcast in his spare time. BrightKey’s president told him that what he chose to do in his own time was his own business.

A few months later, a coworker discovered two episodes of the podcast criticizing corporate diversity programs and hate crime laws.  The coworker declared that it was “racist” and a show of “white privilege” for Krehbiel to express his views.  The next day, he led a march into the parking lot and demanded that BrightKey fire him.  BrightKey immediately reneged on its promise that it would stand by Greg’s right to free speech.  You can read Greg’s own account of what happened here.

Greg Krehbiel is not alone.  Across the country, Americans are being investigated and fired for expressing their political views.  One wrong word will provoke activist coworkers to comb through their social media history to find any possible ground for a complaint. What’s more, those activists back their complaints with the threat of persistent, disruptive, and embarrassing protests.

CIR is waging a strategic campaign against this program of censorship and intimidation based around targeted lawsuits and media advocacy.

How we Fight


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