A federal judge on Wednesday slammed Biden’s corrupt Justice Department for having two standards in prosecuting January 6 defendants vs. left-wing rioters.
A federal judge on Wednesday slammed Biden’s corrupt Justice Department for having two standards in prosecuting January 6 defendants vs. left-wing rioters.
everyone is afraid of Clinton’s goon squad that will make you look like a suicide…
All O’Biden need to do is pay Hillary a few million for a hit…
So nothing will be done to Democrats
Lock up Democrats in the 2020 COUP !!!!!!
2021 Jan 06 people in Jail over a Year with NO charges
BLM & Antifa Rioters 2020 (Democrat Backed ) get PAID $$$$ Millions for doing it !!!!!!
What a DOUBLE Standard !!!!!
Lock up the Corrupt DOJ !!!!!! Not Above the LAW !!!!