Thousands of ballots were trafficked in Wisconsin.
Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips from True the Vote testified Thursday before the Campaigns and Elections Committee in the Wisconsin Assembly on their investigation of ballot trafficking at ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin.
According to True the Vote 7% of the ballots in Wisconsin at the ballot drop boxes were likely fraudulent votes.
They estimate over 137,000 ballots were trafficked in Wisconsin. Joe Biden “won” Wisconsin by less than 21,000 votes.
Gregg Phillips from True the Vote testified that they saw similar results in all of the battleground states.
Phillips also posted mappings of the ballot trafficking in Milwaukee.
More PROOF all the time coming forth that Democrats Cheated Election 2020 in their COUP & stole the election
Democrats keep saying “there is NO EVIDENCE” of voter fraud.
They believe what Stalin said — “keep saying the same thing and sooner or later, the people will accept it as the truth”.
They didn’t know how many votes they needed to create to actually insure biden’s victory.
So, we ended up with 81 million votes for him (!?) and more black votes for him than what obama received.
For a guy who ran his campaign from his basement and couldn’t get 50 people to watch a video.
Worse then leeches.
And you know what leeches do….