Home Depot released a statement Wednesday addressing controversy about a hyper-progressive worksheet on “white privilege” and “racism” that recently went viral online.
The company acknowledged that the worksheet is a “resource” in its Canadian division but noted that it’s “not part of any required programming,” nor was it “created or approved by our corporate diversity, equity and inclusion department.”
The literature defined “white privilege” as “[s]ocietal privileges that benefit white people beyond what is commonly experienced by people of colour under the same social, political and economic circumstances.”
“Social privilege” was defined as “[s]pecial, unearned advantage or entitlement, used to one’s own benefit or to the detriment of others. These groups can be advantaged based on social class, age, disability, ethnic or racial category, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and religion.”
The worksheet also has a “check your privilege” segment, where the following choices are available: “white,” “male,” “class,” “christian,” “cis-gender,” “able-bodied,” and “heterosexual.”
You should get a copy of the “equality” training that was mandatory for all Salisbury employees. It’ll make you vomit.
well aint that special! white christian male married to an actual female. had to go into military since I couldnt afford college. no parenting to speak of growing up. dont believe the cops are here to protect me/us.
stayed and figured things out while everyone else went home. long hours and time away from family.
trust in God and hard work made me privileged?
No I would say I was blessed by my faith in God not man! It’s called repentance and redemption and it’s available to all who ask for it with a sincere heart! you will never find peace in this world until you,
Stop blaming others for your sins!
I agree with your sentiment. Punctuation is just as important.