Explosions are being reported in multiple cities across Ukraine during the early morning hours on Thursday as Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russian military forces were launching “special military operations” against the country.
Initial reports indicated the explosions were taking place in the capital city of Kyiv, as well as Kharkiv, Kramatorsk, Odesa, and in Mariupol.
Whole thing was a Democrat plan Colluding with Russia to get the Spotlight off themselves here in America !!!!
Ukrain is Not part of NATO so NOT OUR PROBLEM !!!! It is a Russian Problem !!! STAY OUT of it !
Nothing but Democrats needing something else to Blame for Fuel prices , which is on THEM !!!! Thank Biden
Open OUR Pipelines & Fracking & Return to the TRUMP AMERICA !!!!
SHOULD have kept Trump & None of this would have happened !!!!
Next China takes Taiwan !!!
Then Iran attacks Israel !!!!
Most Americans, ESPECIALLY the young ones, who have only been taught in school that America is bad, racist, evil, and exists only to hold black people down (while doling out TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in “benefits” to them), don’t remember or know about Hitler rising to power.
He also invaded (brutally and without fear of repercussions for the rest of the “let’s just have peace, okay?” world leaders) independent nations while the rest of the world didn’t know what to do (wringing hands and “diplomacy” had NO EFFECT).
What ended up happening??
Germany, Italy, Russia, and Japan killed about 150 million people. Say that again slowly to yourself. Also, include the thousands and thousands and thousands of the best American men and women killed, mangled, and ruined saving the world. TWICE. (that bad, racist evil America). Because our spineless “leaders” (biden, take a bow) waited too long to confront killer dictators.
Now, RUSSIA is doing that and, unfortunately, we have……..biden. God Help us. The great warrior of America. The hard rock of our republic.
He’s got a pocketful of “sanctions” to scare any bloodthirsty dictators. If there is ONE THING that scares the hell out of dictators, it’s “sanctions”.
And putin tells the rest of us if we dare to intervene, he will punish us most severely and INSTANTLY (and HE ain’t talking about any “sanctions”. He is threatening to destroy us. Whaaaaaat??
Can you imagine him saying that to Reagan? Or Trump??
He’s got …….biden……. the man who faced down “Corn-Pop”. A total bad-ass, that tiger biden.
China is laughing at us and also threatening us, too.
I’m giving odds that, after seeing us get REALLY tough with Russia, China invades Taiwan before the year is out.
I’m also giving odds that EVERY NIGHT, biden is screaming at his wife, ” what should we do, honey?? This Presidency thing is not what you told me it would be like!!”.
I’m also giving odds that when China does invade, tiger biden will have more “sanctions”, which will be of great comfort to the possible millions of casualties Chinan will create.
Cheerleaders? Cheer loudly now!! Give it all ya got!!!
And, make sure you stock up on food and water. I’ll come and get that stuff later……
Tiger biden is on it!!
If schools still taught history, most people would know about Hitler invading Poland while the world watched and wrung their hands.
“Let him have it”, the “leaders” of the free world said. He will stop his aggression if we just leave him alone.
Now Russia invades an independent nation, killing and destroying at will. Further Russia says “don’t try to stop us or we will give some instant and severe retaliation.”
He just threatened to start a war with us if we don’t shut up and get out of his way.
Tiger man biden is busting out “sanctions” and if there is ONE THING that scares the hell out of bloodthirsty dictators, it’s “sanctions”.
Imagine Russia telling Reagan or Trump that they will kick our ass if we get in their way???
China is watching this and saying to themselves, “if that’s all that tiger-man biden will do when an independent country is invaded, we have no worries about what tiger biden will do when we attack Taiwan”.
I’m giving odds that China invades Taiwan before the year is out.
Yep. We have………biden.
Hard rock biden…
The man who faced down that infamous gangster Corn-Pop.
Cheerleaders and other democrat idiots??
Cheer on!! Give it all ya got!!
biden is on the job and will save the world all by himself.
But, he will need to see a few million get killed first.
And history, as always, repeats itself.
Just appease them, brandon. It should work. And “sanctions”. Don’t forget those terrifying “sanctions”.
Biden and the US dems are part of the reason for this invasion
ALL on BIDEN !!!!!! Should have kept TRUMP !!!!!
Better Red than Dead.
Ukrain was already Russian & Corrupt , so Nobody cares !!!! Putin will take it back !!!! Big Deal !!
If they are SMart they will SURRENDER instead of FIGHT a Loosing War & Die in Vane !!!!
sleepy joe is on vacation at his beach home