My very insightful wife surprised me the other night with a bold prediction. To wit, that the under-25 generation — despite years of relentless progressive indoctrination in school and in the wider culture — would prove to be the most right-leaning of recent generations.
Her rationale: Our young people have been disproportionately damaged by repeated and predictable big government failures. As a result, they lack confidence in government-sponsored solutions and will be far less likely to fall under the spell of authoritarian influences.
In other words, this group will be dubious about “feeling the Bern” when contemplating their vote at election time. They have been truly burned, and in the process denied important life experiences. Many are much the worse off as a result.
Mrs. Ehrlich’s prediction got me thinking about the gap between the propaganda directed at young brains in recent years and what this generation has experienced in their short time here on earth.
Think about it. These kids have been fed a series of strategic mendacities: that a sitting American president was in fact a Russian asset, that babies are born either victims or oppressors, that boys who identify as girls can compete fairly in girls’ sports, that defunding the police is a good idea, that a porous southern border is no big deal, and that they should blindly obey the wildly inconsistent directives of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.