Rumor has it the Green Turtle bought this business. Some customers are curious what will happen with all the gift certificates they bought at Christmas to support their business. There’s been no reply to the customers asking that question.
Rumor has it the Green Turtle bought this business. Some customers are curious what will happen with all the gift certificates they bought at Christmas to support their business. There’s been no reply to the customers asking that question.
Maybe the next business will honor them, but I doubt it. Unfortunate.
Was not crazy about the place . Overpriced and watered down drinks and mediocre food . Bye!
Never in 20 years did they change that *%#! radio jingle.
I heard Fins bought it.
Tyrant owner and arrogant bartenders. Really surprising they lasted as long as they did. They had multi-position help wanted ads in the local papers 52 weeks a year,despite the fact that they were closed or dead every day. Nobody wanted to work for her.