I want you to listen to me please. As I just watched the breaking news on this matter, they claim the head of ISIS blew himself up as well as several of his family members. They showed images of the third floor where everyone died in this massive explosion. Now, when you get the chance to see these images, notice there is NO BLOOD! I’m sorry but I am seriously calling BS on this whole thing. I’m confident they’ll stop showing these images immediately as soon as this information gets out there. More BS fake news.
That’s because the real story is they lost track of him and he is probably in America somewhere. Coming in through these open borders and complete lack of immigration policy. Democrats are furiously rushing immigrants into the country as fast as they can with no screening measures. It’s just a cover up story so when something terrible happens they can give the typical dumbass democrat response, ” We had no idea he was alive. It’s completely out fault but we take no responsibility. We were too busy tracking all of these white middle class “domestic terrorists” concerned about their children’s education”.
Biden is the HEAD of ISIS !!!!!!
Look at this IDIOT !!!! 47 years of waisting Taxpayer $$$$ & working against Americans !!! FAKE President !!!!
Pedo Joe !!!!