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President Biden, it’s you – not Republicans – who’s bereft of ideas

Mr. President, you asked in your press conference last week, “What are Republicans for? What are they for? Name me one thing they’re for.”

Unfortunately, your cheap rhetoric is emblematic of your unwillingness to obtain advice from anyone beyond your handlers. Mr. President, it is you who appears bereft of ideas to solve our nation’s crises.

Republicans fight to preserve the American way of life and our traditions laid down in our founding documents. Abraham Lincoln was our party’s first president. Along with Martin Luther King, no single person in history fought harder for the freedom of America’s children. Republicans comprehend that prejudice can never be fought with more prejudice.

Treating all persons as individuals, not as part of a subset of Americans, is the means to vanquish group injustice. Though a stifling political class represses duty, honor, wholesomeness and faith, these traits are the heart of America: Their beat is strong for those who have ears to listen. We are for them.

Republicans realize freedom is in jeopardy, for the self-anointed ruling class that bankrolls the Democratic Party to cloak their own greed does not understand liberty. These usurpers pocket the hard-earned money of citizens or print it, causing inflation, the most regressive of taxes. The cost of basic goods ─ food, gas and shelter ─ constitute the greatest proportion of wages for working Americans who do not have letters after their names.


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