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Wic. Sheriff Seeks Funds For Shortfall

SALISBURY – County officials last week voted to reallocate $106,000 in unanticipated revenue to the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office.

Last week, the Wicomico County Council voted unanimously to appropriate $106,640 to the sheriff’s department for the purchase of uniforms, computer equipment and weapons upgrades, among other things.

Major Tod Richardson told council members the reallocation is expected to cover a budgeting shortfall that resulted from additional hires.

“We’ve been able to go from 13 openings to one opening,” he said.  “The reason for these shortages is a result of last February, when we were doing our budget, we had no idea we were going to get this many … I think we anticipated five or six in the academy for the entire fiscal year. It’s been 12 or 13.”

Of the $106,640 in unanticipated revenue proposed for the sheriff’s department, officials noted nearly $47,000 would come from confiscated funds.


5 thoughts on “Wic. Sheriff Seeks Funds For Shortfall”

  1. At least Mike Lewis knows how to run the Sheriffs Office and make $ for hiring, and their budget you can’t say the same for Duncan, her policies or lack of, and crime higher than ever for forced entry breakins, homicide, drugs and damages to the city and not being able to answer the calls when we need them. I wish we had Webster back at least he knew handle a police force without all the bullshit and crime was down under his time. The fetinal would be out of here.

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