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Why is Japan crushing COVID?

Could it be that ivermectin drug that doctors and pharmacists in the US will be punished for prescribing?

Ivermectin Japan

I cannot recall a time in American history where the medical boards would go after you for prescribing an approved drug off-label for a condition that is supported by over 60 positive studies and multiple peer-reviewed systematic reviews and meta-analyses which is the highest level of evidence-based medicine. Can you?

Is there a cost-benefit analysis somewhere that I missed showing that ivermectin causes harm?

If the cost-benefit analysis is clearly negative, how could those positive meta-analyses been published?


5 thoughts on “Why is Japan crushing COVID?”

  1. Follow the MONEY. BIG PHARMA, PHIZER is paying FAUCI and 3 of FAUCI’s choice friends $150,000 a year to get PHIZER covid meds approved, so they will no longer be labeled an illegal drug. When is the public demand an audit on these kickbacks and force these paid kickbacks to stop and paid back to the US Government in full ASAP. These meds are killing AMERICAN CITIZENS and don’t do nothing for preventing the spread o covid. That is a scientific fact. Democrats are using this as a control / fear tactic.

    FIRE FAUCI and that will take away his government benefits and $350,000 pension, since he willnever be made to pay for the people he murdered with his covid farce and lies. Force BIG PHARMA and PHIZER to pay a trillion dollar fine each for their participation in these killings.

    Why is BIG PHARMA threatening Hospitals and Doctors not to use IVERMECTIN so they can monopolize the drug for covid, since PRES TRUMP would not allow them a patent for a 10 year control of their drug.

  2. Because they are using the antiviral drugs to treat it with and the US won’t let us have access to them. Witholding drugs that would cure covid while pushing the poison jab.

  3. Ivermectin’s proven to make no difference. If it actually helped, doctors would be prescribing it and we wouldn’t have wasted months and millions of dollars on a vaccine in the first place.

  4. I am very sorry 7:50 but you obviously have not been reading all the articles that Joe keeps posting and are also posted all over the internet. Ivermectin is one of the answers to treating this so called Covid however they cannot make any $ from it plus they want to plaster you with booster shot after booster shot. Bottom line is their goal is to depopulate, do some research this is out there everywhere. If you have a death wish then by all means just keep on taking these experimental drug shots and sooner or later one will be one too many and if you are not dead you will be having health problems the rest of your life. Just please everybody do some research before you stand in these lines for these useless fake tests. And please dump that damn mask that is cutting off your oxygen and killing your immune system this has also been proven time and time again and there are videos proving this And please turn off your TV, you are just letting these news stations scare you to death with all their fake numbers.

    Someday this nightmare is going to disappear, as for all the health problems caused by these shots there is no guarantee that you won’t have to live with your decision the rest of your life.
    You are given a choice as to whether to Comply or Not Comply, you can’t be forced by anybody contrary to what they try to put out there. A Mandate Is Not A Law. Simple Truth They Want Us Dead. Do some research start with the Georgia Guide Stones then do a deep dive into Bill Gates and see what he has been up to. Better yet just go look for the videos The Fall of the Cabal, only about 10 eye opening videos, and 20 more in the Sequel ones if you want an education on our real life take lots of time and watch all 30 of them. And after that if you still trust these shots than by all means go for it.

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