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Biden’s monumental game of Chicken

David Kupelian on the only way to defeat president’s tyrannical, nation-destroying vaccine mandate

Throughout 2020, America’s doctors, nurses, paramedics and other medical professionals were celebrated as heroes – courageous frontline soldier-healers, selflessly battling a fearsome new pandemic called COVID-19.

Just one year later, in 2021, tens of thousands of those same “frontline heroes” are now branded as rebels, conspiracy theorists, extremists – and yes, potential terrorists, at least according to the Department of Homeland Security. Considered so dangerous as to merit termination, their professional and personal lives turned upside down due to their decision not to be injected with the experimental COVID vaccines, they are forbidden from working in their field of hard-won expertise and forced to take any job they can get – or go on unemployment. Many are compelled to sell their homes, relocate their families entirely and try to start over. This is happening in massive numbers, right now, all over America.


2 thoughts on “Biden’s monumental game of Chicken”

  1. In this current climate you need to understand who, why and what These tyrants are all about. Read hidden dangers of the rainbow!

  2. Slow-Joe’s ‘mandate’ would most likely be ruled as unconstitutional – if it were to make it to the Supreme Court for the ultimate test.

    Then, all the people that have been terminated for refusing the shot will be able to file lawsuits against their former employers…and all the service(wo)men will be able to have their discharges upgraded.

    Meanwhile, the country is in a divided state and vulnerable to external attacks! We are already undergoing the internal attacks from the loony liberal leftists!

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