On Tuesday, President Joe Biden spoke at a holiday party for the Democratic National Committee. It went about as well as many have come to expect.
According to a White House transcript of the speech, Biden was discussing his Build Back Better plan. While trying to explain why he was so passionate about it, he instead delved into a completely nonsensical story.
“I’m worried about families and elderly grandparents and what — their lives at stake,” Biden said. “Every one — every one — every one is a little harder.
And to think this IDIOT has the Nuke Codes !!!! Wooooooooo
The World could END anytime with such an IDIOT put in charge of our Military !!!! DUGH
What a total babbling idiot!
Joe gotta be Joe! So sad!
America’s Political system is our WORSE ENEMY !!!!! That will Ruin our country & make it go COMMUNIST !!!!