Democrats have managed to bypass voters and unilaterally put criminals back on the street—with disastrous results
In 2020, in the wake of widespread rioting, the Democratic Party added a new position to their official platform: “Democrats support eliminating the use of cash bail.”
Since the summer of 2020, mainstream Democrats in Congress have pushed to end cash bail and pretrial detention. Michigan Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s BREATHE Act would provide grants to states that end the bail system, eliminate pre-trial detention entirely for most federal felonies and “provide a roadmap for prison abolition.”
In October 2021, President Joe Biden followed suit with a “National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality,” which calls for ending cash bail.
While Democrats embraced radical, soft-on-crime policies, homicides jumped more in 2020 than they have in a single year in American history and continued to rise in 2021. Sensibly, American voters took the opposite position—crime became the number one issue they were most concerned about, per a July USA Today poll.
I see the mayor of San Fran (woman) now wants more police…..first it was defund, now we need more.
Idiots that get elected.
By-Passing VOTERS like the 2020 Election needs to STOP NOW & Re-instate TRUMP who WON !!
Speaking of Dems bypassing
Todays Ah ha moment…OC now wants to build seasonal housing downtown with land they have bought over the last 10 yrs. Hmmmm, couldnt build something at the park and ride in West OC or another land site in middle of town…..guess the price wasnt good, but now downtown???
Plus a pause with Margaritaville because of alley way?
The smell is atrocious at City Fail.
Democrats are the Biggest Criminals of ALL !!!!!!!
Criminals stick together !!!!