“America’s public schools and its education leaders are under immediate threat.”
Thus begins the National School Board Association’s recent letter to the Biden administration crying out for help and criminal investigations of protesting parents at school board meetings and other “ . . .heinous actions could be equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes constituting a grave threat to the functioning of school boards, teachers, administrators and everyone else associated with our public schools.”
What is afoot here is an attempt to silence parents who are upset at much of what passes for education these days, such as Critical Race Theory, which everyone knows has infiltrated our schools, is supported by teachers’ unions, and is denied by the school boards as “propaganda.” Gaslighting 101. Any groups showing up at school board meetings to oppose this or anything else are “hate groups.”
Rather than pulling more quotes, and using up my quota of words, I urge you to go online and read it. It’ll only take a couple of minutes, and will be rewarded by revealing what a self-pitying, whining, and threatening document it is.
This letter is, however, very revelatory of themes very long present in our schools and our society. Starting over a century ago, with the sainted John Dewey, who almost single-handedly got the ball rolling for American public school education, schools were to be ripped from the control of parents and local communities and placed into the hands of professional, credentialed teachers and administrators.
This is typical behavior of communist organizations before a takeover of a country. It was done in eastern europe in every country and is being done here and in other countries where Soros and his billionaires have influence.
The Marxist anti American lesson plans have been exposed and they are mad because they have been caught red handed..it’s well over due to strat dismantling the current education system that’s rooted in a Marxist agenda of lies deception and Godless idealogies..defend these bastions of communism and issue school vouchers NOW!!!
This MARXIST organization is funded by GEORGE SOROS and BILL GATES along with their MILLIONARE / BILLIONAIRE FREINDS
Wicomico County Board of Education PUBLIC meeting this Tuesday night starting 6:30 p.m. If you pay taxes in Wicomico county or have kids/grandkids in the “system” please make every attempt to find out how corrupt your school board is and attend.