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Professor Suspended by UCLA After Refusing to Grade Black Students More Leniently Files Lawsuit

UCLA professor Gordon Klein — who was suspended from the school’s Anderson School of Management for refusing to grade black students more leniently in the wake of George Floyd’s death — has filed a lawsuit against UCLA for harming his professional reputation.

Klein, who has been teaching at UCLA since 1981, was placed on leave last year in response to a student campaign that has called for his termination after he rejected a request to postpone a final exam for black students over the death of George Floyd.

When the professor was asked to postpone black students’ exams, he replied by quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “Remember that MLK famously said that people should not be evaluated based on the ‘color of their skin. Do you think that your request would run afoul of MLK’s admonition?”

Now, Klein is seeking compensatory damages, punitive damages, and attorney fees in a lawsuit filed Monday with a Los Angeles court.


5 thoughts on “Professor Suspended by UCLA After Refusing to Grade Black Students More Leniently Files Lawsuit”

  1. It happens here. No one will say it publicly, but students at UMES are graded easier than at SU. And I know this from a colleague, that the open cheating in the classroom means that the results are not earned. I would not hire a UMES graduate for any job.

  2. I hope he wins big also and yes, most all employers know that graduates from UMES know next to nothing when they graduate, some rocks are smarter actually.

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