Without the ability to cover up their crimes, the Dems can’t win — and without the media, they can’t survive
I’m so excited. Because it’s time for Red Meat Friday!
So, what a great time to be a Democrat. Because, for Democrats, anybody can grow up to be president. And I mean anybody.
You can break any law you want, and it doesn’t matter. As long as you separate your recyclables and use the correct pronouns, you’re good to go.
First, there’s Joe. After years of hearing about Trump’s taxes, it turns out it’s Joe who’s soaking the IRS. So in addition to the $7 trillion in debt he just saddled your grandkids with, turns out sleepy Joe might owe five hundred large.
Who knew that falling asleep in your soup, forgetting the names of foreign heads of state, and smelling the hair of oval office visitors weren’t all tax-deductible?
A new non-partisan report shows Biden improperly avoided paying Medicare taxes before he took office – Which means he could owe as much as 500 grand in back taxes. A half-million dollars — that buys a lot of Poligrip and Icy Hot patches.
With that kind of cash, Joe could order fresh new hair plugs in the shape of a giant ice cream cone and plant them from that shiny, liver-spotted dome all the way down to his vestigial tail.
Absolutely master manipulators and their followers have BLIND faith, cannot see the forest for the trees. Trust nothing they say or do it’s all lies.
Democrats ALWAYS accuse Others for what THEY are & Do !!!! Just like the Nazis in WW2 !!!!!!
Remember WW2 because it COULD happen again Starting HERE !!!! Remove Radical Democrats NOW !!!!!