Democrats’ long-held hopes for providing a path to legal status for millions of immigrants is now in the hands of a little-known figure: The Senate parliamentarian.
Democrats pitched Elizabeth MacDonough, a nonpartisan referee, Friday on their plan to provide permanent legal status, which paves the way for a path to citizenship, for 8 million immigrants, including Dreamers, temporary protected status holders, agricultural and other essential workers.
After struggling for years to get a deal on immigration reform, and with President Biden’s sweeping comprehensive plan stalled on Capitol Hill, Democrats are ready to go it alone by including their smaller plan in a sweeping $3.5 trillion social spending bill they hope to pass as soon as this month.
As an occasional OC bus driver, I have taken every chance I get to overcharge this morons so they stop taking advantage of our kids. They are too dumb when they first arrive and it’s easy to sucker them.
Lets DEPORT Democrats instead !!!!!! SOLVED
Hell yes, and get some more terrorist carrying ever disease in the books. Along with the dead, they should have enough votes to destroy America as we’ve known it. I stay away from anyone that states they vote damorat. It didn’t use to be that way before the Kenyan slivered in and tore America apart with the great divide. Before that I didn’t have a clue who my friends voted for and it didn’t matter because the left wasn’t at the end of the rope at that time. In my humble opinion, they are a nasty, vile crowd today.
America is FULL so the Request is DENIED !!!!!!
I think (hope) this plan would backfire on them. assuming some of these people come from Communist countries they will not want to go along with a democratic agenda.
man just got back from the watermelon field ever see one of those suckers explode from a hollow point
Make 8 million jail cells to hold all the Anti-American Democrats !!!!!!