A Wicomico County resident who is also a parent filed an appeal to the Maryland State Board of Education (MSBOE) on Friday, August 27, 2021 in response to their vote on a statewide school mask mandate taken the day prior. The editorial staff received a copy of the appeal and reached out for comment.
In asking the parent of his position, Darren Lombardo stated: “This appeal is not an issue of debate on masking. Although I believe that parents should have a choice to mask their children or not, my opinion is not the foundational argument of the appeal. The argument is based upon an overreaching state, that left unchecked can evolve into a rogue government.”
When asking Lombardo about the laws and actions of the MSBOE, he expressed a great concern that Maryland laws are applied to citizens, but public perception is based on experience – lawmakers, state agencies and bureaucracies exempt themselves from the law.
“There shouldn’t be any double-standards if we are to maintain equality, civil respect, and responsibility in the way that we treat our fellow citizens – in law, in service, and in duty. It’s about We the People. Since the beginning of COVID-19, political establishments have learned to exploit it for an ultimate power grab leveraged by fear. We know how to protect ourselves,” said Lombardo.
Here’s the appeal to the Maryland State Board of Education:
Well another perfect example of WHY we need to defund public education system, the unions behind it, and the corrupt BOEs, boards and the total destruction of marxist political agenda that is now part of the corrupt broken USELESS system!!
Good hope they win!!! probably urinating up a rope….but a very good reason and another perfect example of WHY we need to defund public education system, the unions behind it, and the corrupt BOEs, boards and the total destruction of marxist political agenda that is now part of the corrupt broken USELESS system! What are they teaching our kids..thats the core of why it needs to GO..JUST LIKE the statues..
Although correct, it wont happen – period. Ive asked before, what other courses of action do you have? Before you opine about private schools, someone needs to oversee that and the majority cannot afford private….or they would have their kids enrolled.
What else can be offered to educate our future?
Push back. Keep em’ honest. If that’s possible.
Get your kids away from public school
Why do people care more about their kids wearing masks then the quality of education. People haver their priorities messed up
you live in the people republic of maryland, dont you realize that? these communists will never admit the are f’d up! bring out the ropes!
I agree 3:19 current system is racist..but if Issued school vouchers it would allow school choice for ALL races and poor