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Geraldo Rivera knocks ‘crazy’ talk about right not to be vaccinated: ‘We too have rights’

Fox News’s Geraldo Rivera on Monday knocked “crazy talk” on cable television about people “having the constitutional right not to get vaccinated.”

“Yes (they may be dopey) but they do have that right. We too have rights: to deny the unvaccinated access to our home, school or business,” Rivera wrote on Twitter.

Rivera has been vocal in urging people to get vaccinated. His wife Erica posted a video of the cable news personality slamming “vaccine skepticism” on Sunday, telling his followers that he is “extremely concerned about the fact that there are way too many Americans who are skeptical of the efficacy of the vaccine.”

“The Moderna, the Pfizer, the Johnson and Johnson vaccines, they are safe and effective. They have been used now by almost 200 million Americans. So stop the bull****. They are safe and effective, period,” Rivera continued.

“I hate vaccine skeptics who are spreading malicious lies,” he added.


6 thoughts on “Geraldo Rivera knocks ‘crazy’ talk about right not to be vaccinated: ‘We too have rights’”

  1. I wish this self proclaimed know it all would just shut up, more of the media and the Hollywood self proclaimed scholars that feel the need to tell the rest of us how to think and act. Go away, I don’t need or want your sanctimonious advise.

  2. So then if we use Geraldos logic. The people who choose not to get the vaccine can ban the vaccinated from their homes and businesses.

  3. Geraldo (aka Jerry Rivers?) is a law school grad and was briefly a practicing lawyer about 50 years ago. Just like Xo Bai Dumb.

    Even so, he should be able to discern the genuine difference between choosing to get what is legally described as an ‘experimental’ vaccine’ that is available in several different configurations, and being forced by any government (federal, state or local) to get the shot as a condition for employment, use of media, ability to appear in public, etc.

    Vaccines in general are very worthwhile but they do cause side effects in some recipients that range from minor to fatal. That’s why historically a great deal of research and testing precedes any vaccine approval. Even then some side effects may occur. Vaccine manufacturers lobbied Congress successfully to gain a measure of immunity from lawsuits after tragic reactions. This legal structure was in place before Covid appeared.

    In the rush to find a preventative for Covid the realization arose that traditional testing timelines might permit the virus to spread even more widely while science was collecting the data to justify approval. So conditional approval as an ‘experimental vaccine’ was authorized. This exception was on the books as a way for vaccines in development to be legally administered to a small number of patients in controlled studies in order to verify that the vaccine worked, and to identify undesirable side-effects, and finally to weigh whether the benefits outweighed the problems. Very different from turning all recipients into experiment subjects!

    To the best of my knowledge, we never before have tried to encourage, let alone force, the entire population to be vaccinated with anything, let alone a variety of ‘experimental’ drugs. With the passage of time we’re seeing more and more reports of people with complete vaccination falling ill anyhow. And we know from early on that certain younger subsets of the population were largely unaffected by the virus. So it’s tough to fault those unlikely to be affected for declining a shot that is injuring a lot more recipients than would normally be permitted if a vaccine were to be actually approved rather than still categorized as ‘experimental’.

    BTW, had my shots early w/o incident.

  4. If you have been vaccinated why do you have to worry about those that are not? Isn’t the vaccination meant to prevent you from getting covid? Apparently that is not the case because people are still getting covid even if they have been vaccinated. So tell me again why should people get vaccinated if they are still going to get sick?

  5. Geraldo is saying the government and businesses have the right to mandate people to take an experimental drug. That is illegal. That is the Hitler CODE of control.

    COVID vaccine is not an approved drug by the FDA and that makes it an experimental drug

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