By now most people have heard that the Biden White House is actively scanning the social media posts of Americans in a hunt for so called “misinformation” so they can then ask the tech companies to take those posts down or limit their reach.
While this is frightening enough and a sure First Amendment violation what is even scarier is the White House calling for social media companies to coordinate and ban those accused of posting “misinformation” from all platforms.
Yesterday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki made that crystal clear during her daily briefing to reporters.
A reporter asked Psaki “Facebook hasn’t been as proactive as the White House would like in terms of its response to just flags.”
Her response is the stuff of banana republics and fascist governments:
“Well, I think as I noted yesterday, Phil, there is more — there are steps that everyone can take and I would note again, this is a responsibility of officials speaking, of course on behalf of the government, it’s the responsibility of members of the media, it’s the responsibility of citizens and civic leaders and people who are trusted voices in communities around the country.”
“That has a broad definition,” Psaki added. “Social media platforms is one of them. And as we know it is also — there are also areas where a lot of people get news and information. Sometimes those are accurate news items, reported by some of your outlets or accurate information shared by a neighbor. Sometimes there is information that is not. It is hard to discriminate.”
Good, they will be the first to be banned than
Welcome to China!
Screw you Biden and the damn horse you rode in on.
Well , then , Democrats would be the First to be BANNED !!!!! ALL they do is LIE !!!!
The luciferian does lie…that a fact!!!
They hate GODS light and truth!!
Your “Facebook jail” crime will now be sentenced by the government.
Government “fact-checkers” are monitoring you !
Ban ALL Censoring of ALL News & Media companies & the GOVT !!!!