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Anthony Fauci was hosed down, naked, ‘in what looked like a kiddy pool’ after being mailed mysterious white powder

Last summer, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases chief Anthony Fauci was reportedly sent mail containing white powder that “literally blew up in his face,” Politico writes, per a preview of the new book Nightmare Scenario by Yasmeen Abutaleb and Damian Paletta.

Fauci believed the mysterious white substance to be one of three things: a prank “to scare him;” anthrax, which would make him “seriously ill but which he could probably survive;” or ricin, which would make him a “dead duck.”

Luckily, the chemical testing came back negative for both anthrax and ricin, but not before Fauci was hosed “down to his skivvies in a chemical lab,” standing “naked in what looked like a kiddy pool” while his team awaited results, per Politico.

For his part, Fauci had detailed the white powder missive in an interview with The New York Times earlier this year, though he understandably left out the part about the kiddy pool.


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