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VIDEO: Teacher goes viral for complaining that she can’t teach CRT, is required to say Pledge of Allegiance

Iowa teacher Megan Geha made headlines on Wednesday after several of her videos — including one where she admits to being pro-critical race theory — went viral.

The videos in question feature Geha ranting about not being able to teach CRT and about being “forced” to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning before school begins.

Geha, who, according to the Daily Caller, is a special education teacher at Des Moines East High School in Des Moines, complained about the recent law signed by Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) banning the teaching of CRT in public schools.

In one video, Geha complained that the new law was “bulls**t.”

“My governor has put into place some ridiculous legislation that many governors have put into place such as I can’t teach anything divisive, I can’t teach critical race theory, and I can’t teach about racial equity,” she complained. “So, teachers, in the past we’ve been activists, and after this s**tshow of last year, we really need to stand up and do what’s right for our kids now. This is a call to action. We need to stand up and fight for our kids, because this is bulls**t.”

“The other thing that my governor has mandated for next year is that every classroom — it’s mandatory that we all have an American flag, and it is mandatory that we all do the Pledge of Allegiance every morning,” she said. “You’re going to be hearing from me a lot next year.”


13 thoughts on “VIDEO: Teacher goes viral for complaining that she can’t teach CRT, is required to say Pledge of Allegiance”

  1. Teaching CRT is in no way “fighting for our kids.”
    It’s pulling children into a trap from which it
    can take generations to free them, if it can even
    be done, given the strength of those poisons.

  2. What is it about lunatic teachers who think that the children in their classrooms are “their” kids? Earth to space — these children belong to families who pay your salary with their taxpayer money. You do not own them. You have no right to fill their skulls with propaganda their parents wouldn’t approve of.

  3. Wow, what a disgruntled jip. This nut job is not there to teach students, but to preach her beliefs to students. The first thing she can do is clean up her mouth if she wants to indoctrinate “keds”.Fire her unworthy self immediately. Why is it that it’s White people doing the battles for non Whites? Not only a jip like this, but look at the so called White jerks leading the protest for blm. Don’t blacks have enough gumption, smarts or class to do so for themselves? Well I guess I answered that myself, they have ate out of the government trough for so long ( OPM). No all of course, I’m not referencing the good hard working Black families, that also agree with my critical theory. Any teacher in the USA that can’t say our pledge of allegiance should not be in the position to poison our good youth. Or minds of mush, as Rush would say.

  4. Does anyone really want any school’s special education kids, intellectually the most vulnerable children in school, being taught an ideology that, at its roots, aims to divide, confuse and anger them with the end result being greater social control by a government invented by people like this one?
    Take out the trash, Des Moines East High School!

  5. We just can’t have mentally Ill dangerous people in contact with our children… she should be forced out

  6. What have we got for teachers????? These marxist have NO business in a classroom teaching young minds all the lies they spew to brainwash these children to believe their lies and hate their country. Then the Democrat marxist wants to keep the colors separate to keep hatred going there. Democrats can not control the people with their rhetoric if things are not divided!!!

  7. So no problem pushing her marxist BS luciferian idealogy on these young minds but goes libtarded bat crazy on Pledging allegiance to the flag that makes it possible for her to breathe the same air as patriots..

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