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Governor Hogan Announces End of COVID-19 State of Emergency

Emergency Mandates and Restrictions to End July 1, Followed By 45-Day
Administrative Grace Period

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced the end of the COVID-19 state of emergency in the State of Maryland. As of today, Maryland has surpassed 6.5 million vaccinations, and the positivity rate is a record-low 0.82%.

“Thanks in large part to the hard work, the sacrifices, and the vigilance of the people of Maryland, we have finally reached the light at the end of that long tunnel,” said Governor Hogan. “Each and every one of you—your actions—have made this day possible. I am so proud of our state, and I’m grateful to have had this honor to serve as your governor. Thank you all for being Maryland Strong.”

The COVID-19 state of emergency will end in two phases:


All emergency mandates and restrictions will be terminated as of July 1. There will no longer be any statewide mask order in effect for any settings, including schools, camps, and child care facilities.


Thursday, July 1 will mark the beginning of a 45-day grace period, where certain regulations will continue to be relaxed to complete the administrative transition out of the pandemic. This includes such provisions as renewing driver’s licenses, winding down emergency health operations, and the moratorium on evictions related to COVID-19.

11 thoughts on “Governor Hogan Announces End of COVID-19 State of Emergency”

    1. What the hell have you been waiting for? Weve been out and about for months. Larry has been wasting away if you look closely.

      Cmon out, the water is fine. Larry said it too, no more mask either. Merry Xmas!!!

  1. So then > Nobody has to make phone calls on the Unemployment system until after Jul 15 , 2021 then !!!

    I hear people have been told by the state they will still get their Stimulus & Unemployment until Sept 2021
    if they are already in a Federal Program !!! This needs to be clarified further , since it has previously said that
    Federal programs would be ending for the Unemployed as of Jul 03 2021 !!!

    I hear the state told people today that Only applied to the New people coming on , Not the Existing ones !!!
    Very important that the state CLARIFY their system of Confusion !!!!

    1. Well, I have sent messages twice now asking for this clarification as well as whether citizens from other states get cut off. All I have received is 2 replies stating that “a reply may take from 5 to 10 days”.

  2. There is STILL a state of Emergency both COVID & Democrats in the White House !!! (WHo stole it ) !!!!

  3. Maryland is a State of Emergency !!!! Corrupt Incompetant Govt with a worthless Unemployment system !!!!

  4. No Phone calls Required until August 2021 then !!!! Fix the screwed up Unemployment System !!!

    People have had to Rely on Facebook Posts for a Year to figure out what the hell to do , since the state
    just Ignores everyone & throws in a Bunch of Hurdles to jump over to get your Money !!!

    ALL Phone lines go to the SAME recording , so you can’t talk to anyone , the Portal don’t work & can’t get on it

    You name it !!!! They contradict what they tell anyone over & over & Don’t know their Own Rules !!!!!

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