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Baltimore City Responds After Dozens Of Businesses Threaten Not To Pay Taxes

This weekend, the Baltimore Police Department (BPD) closed down multiple city streets around the Inner Harbor, in a stretch called “Fells Point,” after dozens of local businesses threatened the new city government, run by Mayor Brandon Scott, to not pay taxes because they’re “fed up and frustrated” with the outburst of violence.

Last week, 37 restaurants and small businesses sent a letter to the mayor’s office titled “Letter to City Leaders From Fells Point Business Leaders.” They threatened to stop paying city taxes and other fees until “basic and essential municipal services are restored.” This comes as Madam State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby halted petty crimes during the pandemic and made such a measure permanent – the idea was to decrease violent crime, but that seems to have severely backfired.

What’s happened in the historic bar strict is absolute mayhem at night, transformed into a dangerous area where violent and rowdy crowds have ruined the once pleasant atmosphere along with multiple shootings.


11 thoughts on “Baltimore City Responds After Dozens Of Businesses Threaten Not To Pay Taxes”

  1. Business owners should know better then to try and open a business in a democrat run mostly minority area like Baltimore city No good will ever come of it and it will only get worse

  2. How can blacks lie and try to claim black lives matter when there is a black on black genocide going on in that city? If they were raised by moral human beings they would be so ashamed of themselves. But that is the problem So few blacks have ever had a good person in their life. That is why so many can lie so easily and claim black lives matter

  3. If its crazy now…lots of domestic challenges, shootings, people getting out in public for the first time……..imagine when ALL kids go back to school in the fall. Most have not had school time socializing not to mention being in a true classroom or cafeteria in over a year. In md va dc, there has been a call to remove LEOs in schools. Not to mention pot will be legal in VA, already in DC to obtain.

    We have seen nothing yet.

  4. WHY do we Pay Taxes anyway when The Govt has Printing Presses & Makes their Own ??? Tell me that !!!!

    It is ONLY to keep us all POOR so we can’t fight Back > That’s WHY !!!!!!

  5. Govt don’t need Taxes when it has it’s own Printing Presses !!!! WOULD you need taxes if you had your own
    Printing Presses ??? Hell NO

    Money is Not based on Gold since 1971 & is ONLY based on TRUST Now !!!!!

  6. Taxes are to CONTROL YOU & keep you POOR so you can’t fight back !!!!! FACT

    Govt Don’t need ANY of Your Money It can Print Endless Money & it DOES !!!!

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