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‘Show Her the Door!’: Calls for Meghan McCain to be Fired Grows After She Called VP Kamala Harris a ‘Moron’ for Southern Border Comments

Meghan McCain didn’t shy away from expressing her honest opinion of Vice President Kamala Harris‘ handling of the migration crisis on Friday during an exchange with “The View” guest Sen. Joni Ernst.

McCain called Harris a “moron” during the June 11 airing of the talk show amid the continuing fallout surrounding the vice president’s controversial two-day trip to Guatemala and Mexico, prompting some users on social media to call for McCain’s firing.


13 thoughts on “‘Show Her the Door!’: Calls for Meghan McCain to be Fired Grows After She Called VP Kamala Harris a ‘Moron’ for Southern Border Comments”

  1. I agree with her opinion. The dems calls and labelled Trump every bad name under the sun and nothing happened to them. Harris is an idiot.

    1. I think Meghan was fired. She should not have been fired for calling VP Harris a “moron.”
      She is not a moron, however, she said a moronic thing. She acted in a moronic way, but she is not a moron. There are many people who have a genius quality who say moronic things. I thought the same thing that Meghan thought. I thought she sounds like a moron. She is not a moron but in this case it was a close call. You showed Meghan the door and hopefully someday she will have her own show. She is great. Meghan keep your head up.

  2. See how that works ? Democrats can call for the murder of a sitting President and actively create an insurrection for 4 years but criticism of a democrat and they want to ruin you

  3. There is plenty reasons to boot her butt, but this sure isn’t one. Calling a moron a moron is not too hateful.

  4. harris is nothing but a token they killed 2 birds with one stone a female and a black. Don’t anyone say she is part indian. blacks can have her. indians have enough garbage in their ethnicity like her putrid disgusting mother only garbage would raise someone like the token

  5. Do not like McCain, never have, but very much agree with her here. Harris is a complete buffoon and good for nothing other than getting promoted for all the wrong reasons.

  6. The two biggest bitches that need to go are Whoopie & Behar the nastiest, Dem queens make it the worst show on TV ever seen or heard.

  7. Meghan called it completely right. She is a moron and should not be in that job. All she knows how to do is laugh and she sounds like a baffoon. Her plastic surgery makes her look like the Joker too boot. She is sitting in the corner waiting to become President. How did we stoop so low? Meghan needs her own talk show and I hope she gets it. Joy is a total loser and Whoopi should have been gone a long time ago. I don’t think I like this show anymore without Meghan. You go Meghan. Tell it like it is and your daughter will follow in your footsteps.

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