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Videos show Ocean City, Md., police Tasering, kneeing teens while enforcing boardwalk vaping ban

On Saturday evening on a boardwalk in Ocean City, Md., police enforcing a ban on vaping surrounded and tackled a teen as an agitated crowd gathered around. Then, one officer repeatedly kneed the teen in the stomach.

“Stop resisting!” one of the officers yelled.

Later, police used a Taser on another man in the crowd and battled a third who picked up a bicycle.

The incident, which was caught in viral videos, left four teenagers arrested, authorities said. Ocean City officials pledged to review the officers’ actions but also noted in a news release, “Our officers are permitted to use force, per their training, to overcome exhibited resistance.”

But the videos left many critics questioning whether police needed to use such force over a vaping ordinance.

Many also responded to a separate video, which shows a man on a boardwalk with his hands raised above his head who is suddenly Tasered by police. Many sharing the video, which has been viewed more than 1 million times as of early Monday, said the man was also stopped for vaping over the weekend in Ocean City. Police have yet to confirm those details.

22 thoughts on “Videos show Ocean City, Md., police Tasering, kneeing teens while enforcing boardwalk vaping ban”

  1. So Vaping really waranted such nazi tactics. No second hand smoke issue…its the reason why i have stayed away from the beaches.

    1. No, vaping didn’t warrant the “nazi tactics”, The police you know, the enforcers of the laws, asked for his ID and he refused and and then he got belligerent and then his friends had to get in on it. and that’s how it escalated! Had the punk just been respectful and done as he was asked. then there wouldn’t have been an incident!

    2. The city council/mayor make the ordinance. The police enforce the ordinances. Nobody cares whether vaping is harmful or not. The issue is that the ‘victim’ ignored the cops, pushed passed them and then was arrested. The ‘nazi tactics ‘ were not that at all . The issue was non compliance. Had the ‘victim’ complied, it would have been a discussion and a verbal warning. Instead it was turned into a confrontation.

      1. I stand by my original statement. Nazi tactics are not warrented because 1st off he should not have been harassed for vape being in public!!! that is the gist of the whole issue. The ordnance you morons has nothing to do with safety or health..ITS outside!! fresh air circulating it’s an illegal ordinance that should never have been passed to start with. I’m a white middle age navy vet and I’m far from a racist individual but I do have a problem with nazi fascist laws. We talked about this when they 1st past the smoking ban on the beaches decades ago and here we are. The fact that this African American lacks any sense of respect for elders well that my friends is on you!! you elect democrats, you supported welfare, single families, common core, and allowed luciferian idealogy to infiltrate every institution…. what do you expect!! Good fruit from a rotten tree?

  2. Okay that headline is a complete lie, the cops informed the thugs of the ordinance and they refused to comply and pushed an officer then he spit of them an resisted arrest “that’s why he was kneed a couple times “ he was violent and had a knife in his possession. Cops did nothing wrong … just because the leaders of their communities defunded their police does mean the law won’t be enforced here

  3. I demand the entire department to be fired and military brought it. Not to mention people aren’t wearing mask.

  4. It’s a tough job, somebody’s got to do it. Don’t let them bully you officers. That goes for administrative, politicians and citizens. Keep doing the job. And thank you each and everyone of you.

  5. There is more to this situation than is being shown and the person who shot the video is looking to enflame things to go ‘viral’. Everyone wants to whip out their cameras for their 15 seconds of fame. Maybe all those would be videographers could have at the very least walked away, and at the most, helped. Sadly, we live in a world that is out of control. Hang in the OCPD – I know you are doing your best.

  6. So the thug can’t listen to the cops that tell him to keep his hands up.
    He starts to reach into his backpack or pocket.
    What do you black morons think is going to happen?

  7. Dont forget the ongoing saga’s of:

    – breasts on the beach
    – noise ordinances
    – loud cars/motorcycles/”unofficial H2Oi
    – backdoor City Hall meetings
    – whats to code and whats no to code (i.e., Buddy, Trimpers, City Hall)
    – lack of summer help
    – canal dredging
    – downtown flooding even after road improvements (remember the island is just a huge and bar as we watch Assateague Island slowly move west)
    – more needed beach replenishment
    – parking meters on the north end
    – upcoming frogger incidents
    – brand spanking new location for Aug White Marlin weigh in’s

    etc., etc., etc.,

    2nd verse same as the 1st

  8. These aholes just wanna go to OC and start crap. Stay the hell home if you don’t know how to act in public. We doubt very much that you know how to read as it is clearly posted not to smoke or vape but if you do know how to read then you do not know how to follow instruction. Just go the hell home and stay there until you grow up.

  9. As in all the cases, if they’d just do what the officers tell them to do, there wouldn’t be an “incident”!

  10. Mayor Meehan and OCPD Chief Buzzuro need to be fired immediately! Allowing excessive force again and again and again and again, when will it stop?

  11. Will someone please tell me what the police should have done differently? The big, burly, ignorant, disrespectful, stupid black dude has no respect for authority and chose to fight with the police. What should they have done? Invited them for pizza? Invited them to build sand castles? Played patty-cake with them? WHAT??? He got what he deserved and it was not beyond reasonable force, Those stupid blacks see how the big boys in big cities act on TV, so they decide they would look cool doing the same thing. The police need to do whatever they need to do to control an unruly, disobeying thug, be it a knee, elbow, head, taser, whatever it takes to convince him he loses and bring him into compliance.

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