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Three Virginia Sheriffs Switch From Dem to GOP Following ‘Defund Police’ Push

Throughout last summer, left-wing activists and their elected allies in the Democratic Party embraced a legitimately Marxist concept: Abolishing, through “defunding,” local police departments, ostensibly on the grounds all cops are “systemically racist.”

While the useful idiots who hopped aboard the bandwagon aren’t the brightest bulbs in the room, the ringleaders of the ‘defund’ movement knew exactly what they were doing: Using the tragedy of the death of George Floyd to push a concept that, taken to its logical conclusion, would lead to widespread chaos, death, and the destruction of American cities and the country in general — which is the objective of the modern American left.

Many cities adopted some level of ‘defunding’ their departments, and as predicted, crime rates skyrocketed. And while some elected Democrats in some of those cities are now walking back their defund efforts, many others are not and instead have doubled down on defunding the thin blue lines in their communities.

That includes many jurisdictions in formerly red Virginia, where three county sheriffs have just made a bold political statement in opposition of the insanity.


4 thoughts on “Three Virginia Sheriffs Switch From Dem to GOP Following ‘Defund Police’ Push”

  1. Well Duh!!

    I can’t understand why any LEO would be a registered Democrat in this day and age! Only an idiot would be a registered Democrat and support that treasonous Party!

  2. I would never have thought you would fine any lawman registered as a damorat. Most have more sense, even before the pandemic and the defunding came along. God bless them, whatever party they cling to because it is a thankless career today. Never has been a top notch living. Oh, screw the Floyd dude.

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