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President Trump: “What Happens when People Find Out All These States Are Gonna Flip, Does That Mean You Go 3.5 Years With Someone Destroying Our Country?”

President Trump sat down with Wayne Allyn Root this week for an exclusive interview on his nationally- syndicated radio show, “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network.

During their discussion, President Trump was asked about the ongoing forensic audits taking place in several states today.
Via The Storm Has Arrived on Telegram:

President Trump’s response will undoubtedly spread panic in liberal media circles.

President Trump: “I think, well frankly, I think there’s gonna be a big problem because when people find out that all of these states are gonna flip, does that mean you go three-and-a-half years with somebody that is destroying our country?…


2 thoughts on “President Trump: “What Happens when People Find Out All These States Are Gonna Flip, Does That Mean You Go 3.5 Years With Someone Destroying Our Country?””

  1. By then OBAMA the MUSLIM will have taken full control with his protegees that will be total Muslim / Chinese control of the US and US citizens will be in a CIVIL WAR defending the complete US CONSTITUTION they are attempting to destroy.

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