The Senate chamber erupted in cheers Tuesday after unanimously passing an amendment introduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) to ban U.S. taxpayer funding for gain-of-function research in China.
Senate Amendment 2003, which was added to the bipartisan Endless Frontier Act, bans the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and any other U.S. agency from funding any Chinese gain-of-function research, which is a form of study that attempts to render pathogens more infectious and lethal. Paul’s amendment joined another introduced by Sens. Joni Ernst (R-IA), Roger Marshall (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) that permanently prohibits U.S. funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
“We may never know whether the pandemic arose from the lab in Wuhan, but we do know that so far no intermediate animal host has been discovered,” Paul said in a speech on the Senate floor. “Thousands of animals at the wet market have been looked at, none of them have carried COVID-19. We’ve tried to infect COVID-19 into bats, it doesn’t grow well in bats. It seems most adapted and suitable for humans.”
“We may not know whether this rose out of a Wuhan lab, but I think gain-of-function research — where we take a deadly virus, sometimes much more deadly than COVID, and then we increase its transmissibility to mammals — is wrong. In 2014, NIH stopped all of this research. I’m using the same definition to say any gain-of-function research should not be funded in China with U.S. taxpayer dollars, and I recommend a yes vote,” Paul added.
Paul’s amendment passed unanimously by a voice vote, after which some in the Senate chamber cheered.
show and no tell? little late now aint it? oh and what about all those off the books clandestine black programs with little to no oversight? nah, nothing to see here folks, move along!You and we are f’d by this traitorous bunch of elite aholes! Praying for the day our Lord and savior returns!
Call Weaponizing Virus What it is , and Not Gain of Function bullshhht !!!!
Democrats like Funding the ENEMY !!!! When China takes over , good thing is , They will be the first to GO !!!!