For 14 months, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended draconian restrictions on Americans’ daily lives to combat the spread of COVID-19. The CDC disregarded the psychological hardships and economic losses the restrictions inflicted. Now the evidence is emerging that the restrictions were based on flimsy science or sheer guesswork.
Last week, MIT researchers showed that the CDC’s 6-foot social-distancing rule has no basis in science. If you’re indoors, your risk is the same, whether an infected person is 3 feet away from you, 6 feet away, or even 60 feet away.
So much for carefully standing 6 feet apart in the grocery store line. It’s a joke. On you.
In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the MIT researchers explained that an infected person emits the virus in an aerosol that can waft across indoor space, traveling 60 feet or more. The 6-foot rule, which restaurants, churches, schools, gyms and retailers follow, offers no protection. The key factors are whether you’re wearing a mask and how much time you spend in the space.
Its all been alie and deception to steal the election..investigate investigare investigate ,the democrats.they and their swamp supporters..ITS. PURE. luciferian marxism masonic EVIL!! But asi suspect tomanyhave already cavedinto this utter madness!!
Got my vaccine says “F-off”
Biden did the Harm to America from the First day in office !!!!!
Right when he was a senator jacking women up in the hallways
The Democrats Reign Of Terror Has Done Incalculable Harm To America is what this should read. As long as they have the FEAR FACTOR in they can control the people of this country. They have no intentions of making the Americans feel secure about the Covid or vaccine.