Condé Nast’s culinary magazine Epicurious announced Monday that it will no longer publish beef recipes, saying it no longer wants to give “airtime to one of the world’s worst climate offenders.”
Epicurious tweeted, “Today we announced that Epicurious is cutting out beef. It won’t appear in new Epi recipes, articles, newsletters, or on social. This isn’t a vendetta against cows or people who eat them. It’s a shift about sustainability; not anti-beef but pro-planet.”
The magazine explained in its full statement that its “shift is solely about sustainability, about not giving airtime to one of the world’s worst climate offenders.”
Joe Biden banned menthol cigarettes fried chicken and grape drink it would be funny if it wasn’t true
Gee, since they’re on a sustainability kick, one can only imagine they won’t print their rag on paper since trees must be cut to make the paper. And no more electricity at the office except electrons that can individually be shown to be green in origin. No more ads from restaurants that serve beef, or fancy products tainted by any beef or by products. But lots of tofu and Soylent Green recipes. Yum!
Many of Conde Nast’s other brands have circled the drain and are gone. They must be feeling flush with this news. Oops!
It’s always been a snooty publication.