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Trump’s Biggest Failure Was In Not Gutting the FBI

Trump Should Have Gone Scorched-Earth on the FBI

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Springtime in the desert is just the preheating of an outdoor convection oven that’s about to be on for five months.

I can’t be the only one who didn’t have “Liberal America Doesn’t Want Cops to Stop Black Girl From Stabbing Another Black Girl” on my bingo card. These people are starting to give me a headache that won’t go away. I prefer my headaches to be the result of having enjoyed too much beer the night before. This, put mildly, is unacceptable.

But that’s not what we’re going with at the top here. I thought about it, but I just wasn’t in the mood to stare that level of insanity in the face while working on this. One needs to pick one’s battles wisely.

It’s no secret that we here at the Briefing are fans of President Trump’s time in office. “We” is me, of course, but I like to get a little full of myself on occasion.

Trump accomplished so much as president that I tend to gloss over the few things that I didn’t care for. The “drain the Swamp” refrain resonated with me because I truly believe that the federal bureaucracy has systemic rot that can only be fixed with a massive purge. That rot is bipartisan, too, and it is at the root of most of the ills plaguing this country.

Bureaucracy is the devil. That’s my statement and I’m sticking to it.

My dislike of the bureaucracy is one reason I never minded the high turnover in the Trump administration. I’m perfectly OK with bureaucrats not lingering in their jobs. When they do, they tend to become an integral part of whatever problem they thought they were going to Washington to fix.


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