A Black Lives Matter activist with a huge social media following threatened that “all hell is gonna break loose” if former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin “is not sentenced” for the death of George Floyd, the Daily Wire reported.
Maya Echols — a model with nearly a half-million TikTok followers — made her statement in video that she apparently took down, the outlet said. But the clip has been preserved for posterity:
“If George Floyd’s murderer is not sentenced, just know that all hell is gonna break loose,” Echols said. “Don’t be surprised when buildings are on fire. Just sayin’.”
“Justice” apparently now means people riot in the street if they don’t get the conviction that they want…😳 pic.twitter.com/yeZ62Y6fWN
— Kelly Campagna (@warriorwoman91) April 5, 2021
Don’t know what the loud mouths mean by all hell breaking loose, but they should realize that the word on the skreet is that your average, yes average working citizen has had enough of these bad actors. And I believe this means if the loud mouths continue with their neglect of our laws, there will be consequences to those actions. I believe also, that there will be resistance in these matters and the average citizen outweigh, and out number the loud mouth blm. And that my friend means when all hell breaks loose by the loud mouth actors, it will be the end of their actions and unwanted activity. I’ve tried to put it in simple terms so that the loud ones understand that pay backs are hell. The good guys prefer to go by our laws, but have had enough chit lately dealing with China virus and watching undomesticated law breakers do harm to life and property. Rise and shine, have a great day.
All hells gonna break loose if this marxist hate everything agenga is allowed to continue. George floyd was a Piece of excrement due..to the BS slogan bithed from it ..i really dont think black lives matters…in fact its had the opposite effect on most whites! I prefer to unite and work with people of all races who prove they have character then i become color blind..this in your face CRAP is just a marxist slogan created to divide and create hate
The focus on diversity can become its own god. Diversity itself is revered rather than the One who created that diversity. An emphasis on diversity tends to highlight our differences. God is more concerned with unity (Ephesians 4:3). Galatians 3:28 says, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” God is saying that our differences are not what should define the children of God. Those who belong to the Lord Jesus should first define themselves as God’s children. We must be willing to set diversity aside in favor of unity in spirit. Jesus’ passionate prayer in John 17shows that His desire for His disciples was that “they may be one as you and I are one” (verse 22).
The whole country turned upside down because of a incident that did not involve or concern them. This was between a policeman and a scumbag. If anything occurred outside of policy, the department should and would take proper steps or actions for a conclusion. The department, justice system nor the involved need your assistance. This has nothing to do with nothing. BUT, you can thank or condemn the pair in office before President Donald J. Trump. I condemn those prior to President Trump. Especially that smirky punk from Kenya or wherever it crawled out from. This subject is the cause and blame for whatever is happening today. He ran us in the ground and it has been said he is still running it in the ground by talking with Biden often. Why else would he have such contact, he didn’t pull that chit with Trump. We were doing fine until he came along causing division. One black guess on TV said we were getting along and still are except for politics. There is the problem, people we hire to oversee things are causing disruption to keep eyes off of them getting wealthy.
Arrest this thugette for terrorism!
BLM should have been declared a terrorist organization looooong ago!
It won’t matter what the verdict is, rioting and looting
will occur either as a protest or a celebration among
the savages across the country, spurred on by professional
savage agitators.
All hell is going to break loose either way. There will be riots if he is not convicted and a celebration if he is.
Yes, that’s the way of these left wing extremist groups. It doesn’t matter about the truth or the proper justice being reached….it’s our way or all heck will break out. We, the American people, have to start resisting these moves and movements lest we be burnt out of our own country. It sickens me that the justice system will not follow the law of the land and prosecute these humanoids that are trashing our county.
These people who riot, loot and burn should be identified and have their homes and vehicles burned also.
George Floyd killed George Floyd. Good riddance to a career criminal.
we can only hope she enters first and not to exit
Just like the Guilty OJ case !!!! Bring it
Far Right will take out these idiots !!!!! Don’t wake the Sleeping Giant , just like in WW2 !!!!!!
White Lives Matter NOT worried !!!!!