The local group of residents, “Families NOT Refineries” is united in asking or community to be educated about the bio refinery project on Hickory Mill and Adkins Rd.
International Biorefineries Inc. has appealed the Wicomico County order to stop working. The stop-work order was issued by our Planning and Zoning Director because ‘InBio Inc.’ first applied for a storage building permit and THEN began constructing an industrial manufacturing plant inside of it. They did the same thing in Willard’s MD and have since closed that plant and relocated to northwest Salisbury.
Our County government officials did the right thing and shot this project down, however Mr Kathuria has deep pockets, serves on MD State board, and gained state grant funding for this project.
A bio refinery would duplicate most of the atrocities realized alongside the construction of the DAF tank project. Both are simply business enterprises trying to sneak industrial waste-processing into a neighborhood, over our precarious Palleo Water Channel, and just 200 ft from folks who have lived and raised their families there for 50 years, with falsified permit applications.
The Bio Refinery project is neatly cloaked as an agricultural green-energy project, with all of the correct terminology like “carbon sequestration” and “litter management”. However, according to the company’s own literature, it is an INDUSTRIAL, WASTE-PROCESSING PLANT, trucking in 100 ton of poultry litter PER DAY, producing hazardous fuels, and massive volume of transportation in and out of chicken waste and fuels. ALL OF IT HAS BEEN BUILT with deceitful permit applications by non-residents of our county.
We are very supportive of agriculture. We appreciate the key role it plays in the economy of Wicomico County, and its importance in the lives of its residents. However this bio refinery has NOTHING to do with farming.
Thank you for this information. There certainly needs to be better ways of utilizing excess poultry litter, but why the heck would you allow a “test project” Bio refinery to be placed in a residential neighborhood? I will surely be at that appeals hearing to support stopping/relocating this project to a suitable industrial zoned area.
Why the heck would they allow a Bio refinery (test project at that) be placed in a residential A1 area atop our water supply? I will surely be there and I do hope the county appeals board stands firm that this is industrial. Processing poultry litter into other products and bi products is not agricultural.
He’s quickly becoming just as batsh!t crazy as Ryan on Wicomico First Alert. They let the power go to their head. People will just stop going to his Facebook page.
I’m thankful to see the County is doing the right thing and stopping this project. Hopefully, the State doesn’t step in and push this through.
While a bio-diesel refinery is a good long-term solution, the bait-and-switch for this one in a residential area over an aquifer needs to be shut down permanently with the applicants charged with fraud!
Thank you for educating and bringing to light about what’s trying to be pushed through under our radar. I will be at the appeal hearing.
Every neighbor in or around Hickory Mill Road and Adkins road, Little Lane, etc. should show up at that hearing. I just hope and pray that the lying applicant doesn’t grease the right palms and get his awful deed done. Just by him lying, should be instant dismissal of his application. He doesn’t live here so he doesn’t have to endure the unhealthy effects from his project. Please, appeals board, do not let this unscrupulous person and his his dollar lawyers get away with this. He doesn’t care one iota about the long term neighbors who have invested their lives in their homes in the area or the health consequences it will cause them. Please, appeals board, stick with your decision to turn him down!! Let him put it in his own backyard.