PAC 14
As the Wicomico County budget deliberations get underway County Executive Julie Giordano laid out a number of options to increase public school funding including breaking the revenue cap on property taxes. Host Don Rush talks with her about her proposals and how she sees the budget discussions going forward.
I guess no one is taking poverty rates into consideration when making their budget.
City 25+%
County 15.4%,
Children in Poverty: 18.6%
Per Capita Income: $36,856
State : 9.3%.
State, city, county all raising taxes.
I wonder what the outcome is going to be.
Cut your f’-in spending.
đź‘Ť 10:12
CAN YOU SAY NO!! NO NEW TAXES CUTS ONLY. There is NOTHING keeping me here in my retirement ..as usual the only way maryland does ANYTHING is via waste fraud and abuse with more taxes …CUT EDUCATIO SPENDING AT ONCE!!! NO MORE!! You get enough lottery pot gambling and taxes… your produce useless uneducated misfits anyway more money will not solve the problems. GET SCHOOL VOUCHERS ON THE BALLOT LET US DECiDE WERE THAT MONEY GOES..YOU GUYS SUCK AT IT!!
She doesn’t know what she is doing! She is a washed up school teacher! Good bye !
It’s true , the County Executive, Mike Dunn and members of SACC and Greater Salisbury Committee are planning a campaign to get rid of the County Revenue Cap. They are doing this so that the building contractors will be able to get better deals when dealing with the county. You know, tax deferments, free facility hookups, special consideration for certain types of buildings. Giordano, Gillis, Dunn and a number of realtors are all in this together. Nothing like the Good Old Boys.
Are there penalties for violating the cap?
The people voted it in to control spending!
Hopefully, queen Julie will be a one-term executives.
More importantly we should referendum in term-limits!
If you had bothered to listen to the interview, it can be broken fir education only.
It can be manipulated-
That means you can fund every “ask”, then claim you don’t have funds for education, then increase taxes 60 million to fund the boe.
It’s a slippery slope.
Weird how Florida can afford to give over $880 million in unused Covid funds back to the government, but Maryland wants/needs to tax just about everything it can because it’s in a multi-billion dollar deficit.
Weird how some states are now looking to eliminate property taxes, because people shouldn’t be forced to essentially lease their land from the state, while Maryland is looking to raise property taxes
Mike Dunn and the lords of Salisbury have been trying for years to get rid of the cap. The cap is there to stop government from behaving badly. Let’s not forget the blue print for education is why MD is 4 billion in the hole.
julie just ended her career as county exec!
We can only hope that another candidate runs against her in the primary!
A democrat would be worse (not by much though)!
Jim Adkins for DOGE Czar of Wicomic County!
I will say it again boys and girls: County officials, Do Not Tax Me Out Of My Property That Has Been In My Family For Well Over 100 Years !!!
I am retired now and have a much lower income than when I was working. Also I’m old with most of my life behind me. Not much to lose, 🤔
We dont need to give the BOE anymore money. They get enough they keep asking for money to help the kids but the kids scores keep going lower.
Maybe its time to look at the number of employees on the administrative scale, how many teachers are hired but not classroom teachers. The number will blow your mind.
$18K per student, for these results is pathetic. How about school choice? How many out of state and illegals are we paying for? lets see the numbers! How about a true audit of what WBOE is spending the funds on? not one that just accounts for the pennies adding up! not to many federal jobs being lost here in smallsbury!
local pensions? how many citizens working in private industry get pensions these days?
by looking at the salaries I dont think public sector workers are really at a pay disadvantage around here!
another airline? what a joke, Piedmont doesnt want to pay that’s why they use unlicensed workers to fix their planes! how about they start paying landing fees? I gotta pay to park there why not them! I’m calling for a line by line audit of what the monies were actually spent on at WBOE! Until then go piss up a tree!
Julie violate the tax cap and pay for it!
stauffer is your typical go along to get along liberal, waiting for his pension!
M Lewis so concerned about funding why dont he give up one of his pensions? not gonna happen!
Leonard at tidal health makes over $! mil a year, let him pay for it! along with the government titsucker at worwic!
and Don Rush, go back to californication! we dont need liberal pos’s like you, plying your schtick here!
just ran the numbers and it appears that 10% of WBOE employees cost darn near half their budget!
What’s wrong with this picture? How many are worth their $100K+ salary. one hell of a gravy train! no wonder the teachers and staff never have enough resources!
Stop spending million$ at the airport and you’ll have more money for the schools. There was a time when no general fund subsidies were given to the airport. Now $4.0M in general fund subsidy is freely given away along with “Go-Pay” funding for wasteful projects like that new maintenance shop (larger than the terminal building) and a runway extension that isn’t needed for the EMB-175 jet Piedmont is expected to replace all their existing ERJ-145 jets by 2030. And that’s is Piedmont still exists in 2030. What a bunch of fools.
Bottom line, Money will not educate kids. The problem starts at home !! They must be disciplined at home so they will pay attention in school and learn something. That’s as simple as it gets.
AMEN AND AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!
The board of education is a scam, they use we are we teach and take care of your kids. They use we are the future of the world, then in next breath say we are daycare workers for most. IN FACT – Education has been the tip of the spear for the Demoncrap party. They have forced there morals and tried to brainwsah the kids into this warped world. THey dont Teach, they force their opinions on our kids. It started at the college level and has filtered to the lower levels, book time with trangender doesnt ring a bell and some of the books they teach to kids should remind you.
Educators are really the puppets of socialism and communism now. Democraps knew they could change this country through them.