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The Politics of John Roberts

A brewing constitutional crisis came to a head Tuesday. Federal trial judges nominated by Democrats continue to issue order after order frustrating President Trump’s agenda. Now, President Trump is echoing a call of some on the legal right to start impeaching judges. President Trump tweeted (truthed) about a possible judicial impeachment this morning:

Amazingly, the Chief Justice of the ever-solemn, nearly sanctimonious Supreme Court of the United States issued a press release – not an opinion – addressing Trump’s call for judicial impeachments through its Public Information Office:

“For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose.”

Next, Trump doubled down Tuesday afternoon with reposting a shot he took at John Roberts in 2012:

As much as conservatives may not like to hear it, some of those judges may have a point, or at a minimum, they have an arguable point. These judges are not issuing opinions that say, “Do what we say because we don’t like what you’re doing.” They cite real cases, make real arguments, and ask real questions of Trump’s attorneys defending these issues in federal court.

That is what liberals are going to tell themselves.

What that so ideologically ignores is that this is not a legal question. This is a battle of political legitimacy. And Trump has the upper hand.


1 thought on “The Politics of John Roberts”

  1. Maybe, it is really him on the epstein list and he will be prosecuted….aaaaand, President Trump will be able to appoint a real constitutionalist to be the Chief Justice!

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