ANNAPOLIS, Md. — New legislation being considered in the Maryland General Assembly would prohibit parents from opting their children out of learning about gender identity and sexual orientation in school.
House Bill 161sponsored by Delegates Vanessa E. Atterbeary (District 13 – Howard County) and Kris Fair (District 3 – Frederick County) aims to modify the State Department of Education’s current framework for Health Education.
The current state curriculum includes a wide range of categories like Family Life and Human Sexuality, Safety and Violence Prevention, Healthy Eating, and Disease Prevention and Control.
According to the Maryland Comprehensive Health Education Framework, Family Life and Human Sexuality subjects include gender identity and sexual orientation.
“The family life and human sexuality component of the regulation and framework represents all students regardless of ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Concepts and skills related to family life and human sexuality must be age appropriate and taught by teachers who have had additional preparation in content and teaching methods of the material. The framework is not instructional material for classroom use; it is intended to guide educational professionals in developing curricula that is adopted by the local boards. Local educational professionals should ensure that lessons and content are age appropriate and reflect educational equity.”
These lessons start getting taught as early as prekindergarten through tenth grade.
A swift kick to the groin will identify sexual orientation immediately.
It’s really not that complicated, I can tell by a quick glance of the genital area, no need to taught in school.
I believe we are over thinking such a simply matter. Duh
What the F* ever happened to readin’ ,. writin’ and rithmathic’ ??? No damn wonder they get out of school and can’t even fill out a job application or sign their names. We are raising a bunch of idiots that know all about sex and homosexuals and transgenders, but nothing about history, math, science, computers or anything that will make a living for them.’. Totally ignorant of any real education but can tell you all about sex. What a sad world we have become.
There are only two genders. Male and female. The rest are mental health conditions requiring treatment based in reality.
I no longer have a horse in this race. My children are grown and have moved on, and I have long since retired from public education and public life.
I would encourage interested or outraged individuals to contact the above mentioned lawmakers and share their thoughts. I also would imagine a skilled individual with SEO skills and savvy social media outreach could upend this Apple cart without much effort.
Many perverts in Annapolis
Why can’t these commie bastards just leave the peons alone? Just when I feel a little comfort that the federal government is soon gonna be under control, the socialist state of Maryland is going off the rails again. Moron and all his cohorts need to go-ASAP! Recall moron before he queers and bankrupts the whole state.
How luciferian of the state…this is just another reason on top of taxes, no gun rights, harboring illegals criminals
and just the sickening stench of a democrat run is in the top three..
Can’t wait to MOVE!!
This may be a good thing. We have already made the national news with the condom vending machine nonsense. This should put the spotlight on Maryland again! And I believe Maryland is still allowing boys in girls’ locker rooms? Maybe Kathy Szeliga needs to make another appearance on Fox News!