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Bad News for Teachers’ Unions – New Poll Says Majority of Voters Not Happy With Education System

Americans overwhelmingly reelected President Donald Trump for various reasons, the top ones being the economy and immigration. But voters, a huge number of whom are parents, have become increasingly dissatisfied with the American education system. They are forced to send their children to schools that are teaching very different values than what kids are learning at home. Now, a new poll is out showing just how frustrated and disillusioned parents are. Fortunately, it is something that Donald Trump has said would be a priority for him in his second term.

The poll was conducted by Fabrizio, Lee & Associates, and is a public research firm that also worked on Trump’s presidential campaigns. It was conducted after Trump spoke on the campaign trail about eliminating the Department of Education. It revealed some very compelling numbers, polling 1,000 registered voters nationally with a 400 Hispanic oversample between January 5-8, 2025. Of those surveyed, 75 percent said they rate public education in the U.S. as fair or poor. More numbers spell bad news for those who make up local school boards, teachers’ unions, and, in general, the government. By almost a 2-1 margin, the parents surveyed said that parents should be in charge of their children’s education.

An almost equal number said public education was not getting the job done, and 74 percent said they favor school choice so they could decide whether to send their kids to public, private, or a technical or trade school. A whopping 81 percent stated that if the federal government is involved, they should “empower parents” and “prioritize students’ needs by providing greater access and more choices to ensure children receive the best education.” Those surveyed also said


3 thoughts on “Bad News for Teachers’ Unions – New Poll Says Majority of Voters Not Happy With Education System”

  1. The teachers union is the biggest in the country and as they and there “uppercrust” continue to get rich the SAT scores inn the nation are the lowest in history and its happening right here in the county. The entire system is full of D.E.I woke Marxists who do nothing but beg for more,more,more!

  2. Our education system sucks. High school graduates barely read on a 4th grade level. Throwing money at it HAS NOT WORKED, NOR WILL IT.

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