The superintendent of Worcester County Public schools announced his planned resignation date of June 2025 to finish out the school year. The announcement came on January 21, 2025, just a day after the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump. Between the new mandates coming down from the Trump administration and the controversies surrounding the superintendent, a resignation labeled as a retirement seems like an easy way of escape.
On the Worcester County Public Schools webpage, his announcement touts his legacy term as being a great success. The superintendent states:
“My entire life has been intertwined with this school system since its start.”
The keyword is intertwined. When someone is intertwined with a system, along with that comes corruption.
“Despite the challenges that have come our way, I truly believe that we have made such positive progress.”
In other words, don’t look at the man behind the curtain. Focus on the smoke and mirrors.
More WINNING thanks to TRUMP!
I haven’t been this happy since we got rid of Dr. Jerry! MORE WINNING from DJT!
They should all resign or be fired.
You’re probably correct that the next super will be Annette Wallace. Hopefully that won’t happen, but if it does, you’ll see a mass exit of employees. Our student will be doomed.
Taylor has always thought he was untouchable, that’s what narcissists think. From the sexual assault by a teacher years ago and he turned a blind eye to that, including offering to rehire him, to the Education foundation and the theft of taxpayers money to fund position, he’s got no morals or conscience but he’ll tell you quick what a Christian he is.
This article left out his history of preying on gullible young faculty in exchange to advance their career. As it all winds down the board is going through the motions for a predecessor. We all know the fix is already in.
Maybe Staufer from Wicomico County will follow the same path ! Just his presence and his arrogance makes me sick.
Another Christian-in-name-only.
Yea and take Bill Frish with him too he has the same quality as above