This is disgraceful! Back to the days of Mike Dunn when the public was shut out. Terry, Tim, and Debbie worked so hard to break through that and successfully got briefing books published on-line in a timely fashion so that the public could be in the know and prepare meaningful comment and observations. THEY ALL NEED TO GO!
Didn’t know if you were aware…
If you value being able to share your thoughts during Salisbury city council meetings, or being able to view meetings and comment via ZOOM….things are changing.
At the very end of the December 16 meeting, president Doughty announced sweeping changes in meeting formats. At a previous meeting there was an announcement concerning streamlining the number of monthly meetings from 4 to 2; but nothing about these other public comment restrictions. OR any discussion about items presented in work session needing to wait 2 weeks to be placed on legislative agendas. Anyway, here are the rules according to the president starting in January…..AGAIN, if you have comments…send them directly to the council members. I guess public involvement is no longer valued.
*2 meetings per month-2nd & 4th Mondays @ 6pm
*if work session is needed it will precede legislative session (currently held the week before a matter is moved to a legislative session)
*No Zoom for public; only for city staff & presenters
*Comment forms to be filled out online in advance (currently you do that at the meeting)
* Only 2 minutes for public comments (currently 3 minutes for work session and 4 minutes for legislative) during the 2 minutes one also must identify self and state address or business representing)
Listen for yourself at the end of the meeting, approximately at the 21.30 mark. There was no discussion among the council members just this proclamation of rules. More council comments on other items of interest were presented that could be of interest.
Perhaps it’s time for Salisbury News to step back in to be the voice of the people once again. Spread the word…
This is the progressive party’s idea of governing, and they have a plan to take over and dictate to the peasants.
Wakey wakey.
Smallsbury just keeps losing due to stupidity and election consequences.
Young, dumb and a severely inflated ego. Someone needs to sue this child’s ego down a notch.
City council members better remember where they came from and know their future is in the publics control
One term and out and take the $$$ and run… 😉
Salisbury is a joke. Nobody serious lives there.
Don’t blame me, I voted for Wayne King.
Yes, Yes, Yes…………….
Homeboy DEEYAWN Doughboy is a bigger crook than FAKE DAY….they probably sleep together
He was propped up and supported by his buddies already on council . . The progressives and their ilk.
His placement on council, to the vacated seat, was unethical and potentially illegal at best.
I’ve got no use or respect for his inflated ego and child like behavior.
Check out the water tower on Northwood drive
As red as the Eastern Shore is – we still elect these lefty-loonies – that are destroying our future!
Ah, dear, some one by default and weren’t elected.
Some have run several times and lost every time, until they won by default.
That’s just how lame this community is.
Your lack of participation, slander, lies, and gutter politics, put you here.
Salisbury is nothing more than a minimum wage, poverty stricken ghetto.
And instead of supporting the mayor, the clowncil is busy burying you in the ditch and cutting off your voice and participation.
Seems clowncil finds this position too demanding and wants to cut down the time needed to do a proper job, some have whined about it several times, it’s on video.